Measurement And Instrument Theory - 1 - MCQs with answers

Measurement And Instrument Theory - 1 - MCQs with answers

Q1. Instruments are subdivided into active and passive based on whether the output of instrument is produced by the quantity being measured simply changes the magnitude of some external power source. The pressure measuring device and the float-type petrol tank level indicator are example of

A. Active instruments
B. Passive instruments
c. Former is active instrument and later is passive instrument
D. Former is passive instrument and later is active instrument

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ANSWER: D. Former is passive instrument and later is active instrument

Q2. Considering cost of instruments, which is a better choice, active or passive?

A. Active instruments
B. Passive instruments
C. Cost of both active and passive instruments are approximately same
D. None of these

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ANSWER: B. Passive instruments

Q3. In deadweight gauge, weights are added on the top of piston until the piston reaches a datum level. The datum level is known as

A. Null point, where the downward force balances the fluid pressure
B. Lowest point of the container
C. Highest level of fluid in the container
D. None of these

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ANSWER: A. Null point, where the downward force balances the fluid pressure

Q4. The accuracy of the deflection type instruments and of the null type instruments depends on

A. Linearity, calibration of spring
B. Calibration of spring, linearity and calibration of weights
C. Linearity and calibration of spring, calibration of weights
D. Both depends on calibration of weight

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ANSWER: C. Linearity and calibration of spring, calibration of weights

Q5. In terms of usage, deflection type instruments are

A. More convenient than null type instrument
B. Less convenient than null type instruments
C. Both are equally convenient
D. None of these

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ANSWER: A. More convenient than null type instrument

Q6. The output of an analogue instrument varies

A. Continuously and can have an infinite number of values within its range of instruments

B. In discrete steps and can have an infinite number of values within its range of instruments

C. Continuously and can have an finite number of values within its range of instruments

D. In discrete steps and can have an infinite number of values within its range of instruments

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ANSWER: A. Continuously and can have an infinite number of values within its range of instruments

Q7. The microcomputer performs its computations in

A. Analogue form
B. Digital form
C. Either analogue form or digital form depending on their applications
D. None of these

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ANSWER: B. Digital form

Q8. To read and record a measurement, the indicating type instrument

A. Always requires human intervention

B. Does not requires human intervention

C. Requires human intervention only when the instrument consists of a rotating pointer moving against a scale

D. Requires human intervention only when the instrument consists of a rotating scale moving against a pointer

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ANSWER: A. Always requires human intervention

Q9. Accuracy of an measuring instrument indicates the

A. Closeness of the output reading to the true value
B. Ratio of output value to the input value
C. Change in output with each change in input
D. Degree of freedom from random errors

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ANSWER: A. Closeness of the output reading to the true value

Q10. If a pressure gauge of range 0-10 bar has a quoted inaccuracy of ±1.0 % of full scale reading, then it means

A. Minimum expected error in any reading is 0.1 bar
B. Maximum expected error in any reading is 0.1 bar
C. Maximum expected error in any reading is 1 bar
D. Minimum expected error in any reading is 1 bar

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ANSWER: B. Maximum expected error in any reading is 0.1 bar

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