Mothers should be listed as first guardians.


- Mothers play a very important role in a children’s life, she comes second to none.

- Making mothers guardians would only make their role standout in the society.

- This would mean considering them as equals with the men in our community, who always have the bragging rights in these matters.

- This would mean more power the women or in this case mothers who primarily take care of the children.

- Mothers should have a say in all the matters affecting their children’s life.

- Large gender imbalances and prejudice against women in our society is deep rooted and this law will help in eradicating such evils.


- India is a patriarchal society where usually in most of the families the man is the bread winner.

- Child rearing should not be a premise for guardianship.

- This is a pointless approach as empowering women would mean disempowering men which is hardly conductive to equality.

- Women are capable but not as capable as men, this means fathers can take care of a child better than a mother.
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