Numerial - Change in transmission power with change in modulation index

What is the effect on the transmitted power of AM signal when the modulation index changes from 0.8 to 1?

a.) 0.1364
b.) 0.3856
c.) 1.088
d.) 0.5

Correct Answer : a.) 0.1364


The total power in an AM is given by
Pt= Pc ( 1 + m2/2)
Where Pc is the carrier power and m is the modulation index.


Pt1 = Pc ( 1 + 0.82/2) = 1.32 Pc
Pt2 = Pc ( 1 + 12/2) = 1.5 Pc
Increase in power = (1.5 Pc - 1.32 Pc)/ 1.32 Pc
= 0.1364
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