Part time job career objective and career summary
Career Objective and Career Summary for Part time job
To secure a part-time job at ABC Traders. The multi-tasking abilities as well as hard-working attitude would aid in performing multiple tasks.
• A graduate from Karnataka University with about 6 months of experience working with Shyam Traders
• Responsible for updating accounts for the first half of the day till 2 pm
• Managed other functions such as handling customers and attending phone calls for any particular queries
• Reporting to the Vice-Chairman on the day to day tasks done and regarding any possible appointments or details.
• Drafting all possible communication for the enterprise owner
• Sending mails and taking care of administrative work during the shift time.
• Ability to multitask with a good overall understanding of trading business.
- Part time job career objective and career summary -Lavanya N (06/17/14)
- Career Objective:
To succeed in an environment of growth and attain a job that provides job satisfaction and self development and help in achieving personal goals.
Career Summary:
- X years of experience in the field of marketing in different organizations and looking for part time job.
- Expert in carrying market research and analysis for different products and services.
- Worked on various home based projects and successfully managed the work and coordination with clients across globe.
- Proven track record of working under pressure and delivering results.
- Good client management and coordinating with respective individuals to get the necessary support.
- Hands on experience and expertise in computers and application of the latest technology.
- Excellent in communications skills both written and oral.