Personal Qualities to succeed as a Security Analyst.

What all are the qualities that I should have if I want to excel in the industry as a security analyst?

There are no such pointers that one can give you to climb the ladder of success. But there are loads of factors that one should keep in mind if they want to do well in this field as this is a very challenging and crucial field. To be successful in this field, you should have a feel of the capital market swings; you should also have knowledge about stocks and shares, and logical and analytical ability to analyse. You should be alert and tactful while dealing with clients and should be patient. You should be a keen learner and should possess a dedicated business expertise.

As there are large volumes of work flow there is tremendous work pressure because the volume of money involved is huge. And this profession generally carries a high risk profile as professional growth depends on the fortunes of the share market, over which an individual has no control. You can now take up the course in The University of Pune in collaboration with the Mumbai Stock Exchange which is conducting training programmes in capital market studies.
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