Picking the Winning Number: Animal Soothsayers Abound At FIFA 2014
Picking the Winning Number: Animal Soothsayers Abound At FIFA 2014
Predictive analytics and market research firms apart, animal soothsayers are gaining credence with the FIFA World Cup 2014 as having the power to pick the winners from the lot. Paul the Octopus had successfully predicted the results of 8 games in 2010, though he did not survive long beyond that. The “psychic” sea creature was not always right. He incorrectly predicted the German win in the Euro 2008 final. But the void Paul left behind has been more than filled by new number gurus during the FIFA World Cup 2014 event. Cabeção the Turtlefrom Salvador, Brazil chose a fish hanging from the Brazilian flag to predict the host nation's win over Croatia. Roo the Bulldog from the UK correctly picked England's win over Italy by choosing dog biscuits with the country's flag on it.
Nelly the Elephant who is a resident of the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, Germany has predicated the winners for the 2010 World Cup as well as Euro 2012. The elephant makes her predictions by kicking the ball into a goal. Her pick record is 30 for 33. Making big waves at the moment is the racing camel Shaheen who correctly predicated that the Netherlands would win in their match against Spain at the group stage. China may not have made it to the World Cup this year but its panda cubs are on the job when it comes to picking the winners for FIFA World Cup. But Shaheen's owner Al Jabri strictly maintains that the capacity to predict is “God's only” and neither man nor beast has the right to know the future.
Meanwhile, the Nostradamus of the lot, Paul the Octopus who used his tentacles to choose mussels/oysters from boxes wearing flags of the playing nations died in October 2010, shortly following the World Cup in South Africa. His fame has laid the path for a massive host of animal soothsayers.
Joining his ranks is a Swiss guinea pig Madame Shiva who has successfully predicted Switzerland's win over Ecuador on Sunday. Of course, she only makes predictions for home team matches. The 20 month old guinea pig has been tested by international charity Swissaid for her capacity to predict the games.
Telepathy, clairvoyance, mental prowess for prediction and the capacity to look beyond the obvious have always been source of triumph for man. With forecasts and predictions pertaining to the economy, politics, sports and social world, not one person is choosing to be left behind in the rush to pick the winning number.
With sophisticated analysis and focus on data, many have come up with their own recipes and formulas for success and/or spiritual salvation. But the question remains as to whether humans can predict the future correctly using signs and data, or is it just the illusion of control? With new inventions and discoveries changing the course of mankind, a startling realization is that even animals can predict the winning number. It is not about predicting what will happen. That can be accomplished through surveys and studies. What is needed is a more proactive approach. Prediction is useless if it does not yield positive action. The bottom line matters most.