Polar vortex: does the cold weather say otherwise about global warming?
Polar vortex: does the cold weather say otherwise about global warming?
A polar vortex is a cyclone, or strong cold air that is found in the poles of a planet. These vertices are strong in the winter, and are weakened during summer. These vortices are generally caused by cyclones that go to higher latitudes. Volcanoes also contribute to strengthening vortices.
Polar vortex and global warming
According to some experts, the vortices are causing temperatures to drop more and more. Take the winter of 2013, the world faced one of the coldest winters ever. Everything from the frozen Niagara to the frozen lakes, to snow in places that never snowed has proved that the winter was out of its character. Some academicians are of the opinion that the entire global warming scare is a hoax created by the scientific community. It is an error in judgment, which they are trying to cover up by whatever means possible. The temperature of the earth has not risen by much over the past nearly two decades. They are arguing that with the winters turning so cold, global warming cannot be happening.
Another school of thought feels that it is not the polar vortices that are causing extreme climates, but it is global warming that is responsible. Global warming cannot just cause an increase in the temperature; it can also cause a drop in the temperature, and result in colder winters. Global warming could paradoxically cause more draughts and heavier rains, due to the increase in moisture content in the atmosphere.
However, yet another community of experts feel that the wandering of the vortices, and the resultant extreme climates is because of global warming. The erratic movement of the vortices could cause it to break off, and move separately in different directions. This can have an effect on the climate as well. The reduction in the Arctic ice is also credited to the erratic behavior of the vortices, and the jet streams that surround the vortices.
Just as it is the case with any scientific theory, we can never be fully sure of the causes of the fluctuation of weather in the world. There are always debates on scientific theory, which rages for several years, and eventually does not have a suitable conclusion. It only results in confusing the lay man!
In the end we cannot say anything for sure. Does global warming cause the climatic changes, or do the polar vortices cause them? Is the erratic behavior of the vortices because of global warming? Is the extreme climate normal? We will never really know for sure, as there is no conclusive theory that we can refer to. As individuals, the only thing that we can do is to take care that we do not contribute to global warming in our small way. Carpool more often, fly less often, reduce air conditioning, save water, plant trees, among other things, to save the planet.
- RE: Polar vortex: does the cold weather say otherwise about global warming? -Deepa Kaushik (05/01/14)
- Polar vortex may or may not be the cause of the global warming. The experts do have varying views regarding the subject and they keep a watch on the regular changes in the rhythm of the temperature across the world. Global warming has been due to the increased emissions of the polluted gases, which is nothing but the scientific advancement and the gift of human brain.
Global warming does not promote the heat in the atmosphere, but is also responsible for the dip in the temperature. Global warming has accumulated much moisture to the atmosphere which has to be turned back as per the water cycle in form of rain and snow, hence the dip in the temperature.
This phenomena can be assisted by the polar vortex. Those the temperature change is evident with the constant decrease in the degree of temperature every year, still there is no hard core view to support the hypothesis. Polar vortex may be a reason for the weather change, which still needs further analysis and supporting evidence.
- Polar vortex: does the cold weather say otherwise about global warming? -Nupur Bhargava (04/04/14)
Polar Vortex: Does the cold weather say otherwise about global warming?
A polar vortex is a tenacious, large scale cyclone positioned near either of the geographical poles. The polar vortex was first pronounced in 1853. The Polar Vortex is vilifying the Midwest and eastern half of the U.S. with very cold weather. The Polar Vortex originates in the far North, where sunlight has vanished, during the winter season, generating the Northern Hemisphere’s coolest air.
Arctic Oscillation, a climatic phenomenon in which the atmospheric mass moves back and forth for voluminous years amidst the Arctic and the middle latitudes. Since the air moves from high to low pressure, the polar vortex is pushed upward that is nearer to the pole, creating warm weather in the Arctic Circle. While during the negative phase, the Polar Vortex develops waves of twists that bring freezing air southward. The extreme cold has brought about the climatic changes. During the summer season, the sea ice melts at a very rapid pace. The Arctic Ocean keeps getting warm as and when the ice melts along with the quantity of ice that melts. The ocean exudes much of the surplus heat back to the atmosphere in winter, which disturbs the polar vortex. Data accumulated over the past 10 years specify that when a huge amount of Arctic sea ice evaporates in the summer, the vortex has a propensity to abate over the consequent winter.
The amount of summer sea ice in the Arctic fluctuates every year and is disappearing at a very fast pace and is expected to vanish in the near future as well. Owing to this the Polar Vertex will be in problem resulting into global warming and climatic changes. The Polar Vortex disturbance may have been generated by sudden stratospheric warming. Due to rapid and extreme weather changes the Arctic Sea Ice is disappearing with leaps and bounds, due to this the Arctic is getting warmer at twice the global average rate.
Concluding with the thought that the changes in the Arctic Ocean is due to the global warming and its effects are Bourne by the Polar Vortex leading to extreme winter conditions in several countries especially observed in the U.S. Since the melting of Arctic Ice is quite a recent phenomenon there is not much that the researchers have found and what are the steps that can be taken to avoid this situation. Although it has been proved that it is because of the disruption in Polar Vortex is causing the extreme climates in many parts in U.S.