Power dissipation calculation across resistor from FM equation

Calculate the dissipation in power across 20Ω resistor for the FM signal
v(t)= 20 cos(6600t+ 10sin2100t)


a) 5W
b) 20W
c) 10W
d) 400W

Correct Answer: a) 5W


A standard FM signal is represented by
v(t)= Ac cos(2πfct+ kfsin2πfmt)
Ac = carrier amplitude
fc= carrier frequency
kf= modulation index
fm = modulating frequency
kf = frequency deviation/modulating frequency
the power dissipated across 20Ω resistor is given by
= 5W
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  • RE: Power dissipation calculation across resistor from FM equation -Talha (08/27/19)
  • 10 is correct ans
  • RE: Power dissipation calculation across resistor from FM equation -Hansen (04/10/17)
  • Shouldn't it be 10W? (20/sqrt(2))^2/20?