Properties of Pure Substance - MCQs with Answers

Q1. Which is a state of a substance from which a phase change occurs without a change of pressure or temperature?

a. pure state
b. phase state
c. saturation state
d. critical state

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ANSWER: c. saturation state

Q2. What is the saturated solid state?

a. a state at which solid can change into liquid at constant pressure but changing temperature
b. a state at which solid can change into liquid at constant temperature but change in pressure
c. a state at which solid can change into liquid at constant pressure and temperature
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: c. a state at which solid can change into liquid at constant pressure and temperature

Q3. What is the state, at which saturated liquid line with respect to vaporisation and saturated vapour line on p-v diagram of pure substance, meet called?

a. saturation state
b. critical state
c. vaporisation state
d. superheated vapour state

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ANSWER: b. critical state

Q4. What is the area highlighted between the two saturated liquid lines in the following p-v diagram of pure substance called?

p-v diagram of pure substance compressed liquid region

a. saturated liquid region
b. compressed liquid region
c. unsaturated solid region
d. solid-liquid region

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ANSWER: b. compressed liquid region

Q5. What is the area highlighted between the saturated solid line and the saturated liquid line with respect to solidification in the following p-v diagram of pure substances called?

P-v diagram of pure substance solid-liquid mixture region

a. solid region
b. solidified liquid region
c. solid-liquid mixture region
d. liquid region

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ANSWER: c. solid-liquid mixture region

Q6. The temperature of a substance at which the vapour pressure is equal to 760 mm Hg is called as

a. normal vapour point
b. normal boiling point
c. normal pressure point
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: b. normal boiling point

Q7. The temperature at which a pure liquid transforms into vapour at constant pressure is called as

a. vaporisation temperature
b. normal temperature
c. saturation temperature
d. none of the above

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ANSWER: c. saturation temperature

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