Pros & cons of introducing religious texts in schools

Pros & cons of introducing religious texts in schools

Question:-“Teaching Religion” amounts to religious indoctrination. Why should the religious books be introduced in the school curriculum? Comment. Also state what are the factors of concern regarding the inculcation of religious text books? Also state two ways in which the religious texts affect the secular India.

Recently, the government of Haryana decided to introduce the Bhagwad Gita in the school curriculum.

There is a strong difference between teaching a religion and teaching about a religion. Article 28 of The Constitution of India focus upon the secular mode of education in schools as it recognizes India as a secular country.

There are some advantages of introducing religious text in school curriculum

1. Instills the religious values – Instilling the religious values is an holistic approach. By instilling the values in the curriculum, it will teach the kids to lead a disciplined human life. It will have a positive effect on the family, society as well as the nation. Thus, the undisciplined world can be changed into a peaceful place.

2. Widens the knowledge - India is a secular nation. All forms of religion are being praticsed in the nation. By introducing the various religious books in the curriculum, it would increase the knowledge of the kids regarding teir particular religion. With the advent of Western culture into India, people tend to forget their religion and its laws. The religious books in the syllabus of the students can teach them the importance and history of their religion.

3. Ethics and duties - Most of the religious texts convey the sme message. The religious books like Bhagwad Gita , Bible, Guru Granth Sahib makes an individual aware about their duties and responsibilities towards their family and society. Children are the future of this developing nation and thus, they should be trained to become more responsible as individuals. Religious books can help them to follow their ethics and duties to fulfill the dreams of the nation.

Factors that are of a concern regarding the inculcation of religious texts in curriculum.

1. Pressure on students - Students can easily come under public pressure. Any discussion of religion in the classroom can be sensitive to the beliefs of the different students in the class. No student should feel that his religion is being put under question.

2. Promoting religion - If there is a compulsion to learn about religion or religious text books as a part of the secular educational program, teachers should avoid discussions that might lead into the promotion of a religion.

3. Lack of religious knowledge - It is not possible that the teachers are aware about all the religion. Thus, the teachers should be given a special training before they teach any religious texts to the students. They should provide accurate facts about any religion while teaching.

4. Minority rights - Apart from the major religions, teaching about minor religious text books should also be included in the curriculum. Teaching of only the major religious text books, would not reflect the religious diversity of our society. If the minor religion is neglected, the students from this community would feel excluded.

Religious texts books in curriculum affect the secular India.

- Sarva Dharma Sambhava - It states that all the state in India should profess equal religion. It should consider not only one religious text like Bhagwad Gita but also the texts of other religions such as Sikhism, Jainism etc. If not, it will amount to the rejection of the principle of Sarva dharma Sambhava.

- Violence - India is known as a secular county where all the religions have equal rights. Teaching of any particular religious text books can create violence among the masses. Holy books like bhagwad Gita deals with war. For example, it depicts how does Krishna's advice help Arjuna to defeat the Kauravas, which also involves violence and killings. Thus, children might feel that killing and hurting other beings is a part of their religion.

Facts and Figures

- Article 28 of The Constitution of India focus upon the secular mode of education in schools as it recognizes India as a secular country.

- The government of Haryana decided to introduce the Bhagwad Gita in the school curriculum
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