Reflection - Mobile Radio Propagation - MCQs with answers

Reflection - Mobile Radio Propagation - MCQs with answers

Q1. Fresnel Reflection Coefficient is a factor of

1. Polarization of the wave
2. Properties of the material at which reflection occurs
3. Angle of incidence of wave

a. 1) and 2) are correct
b. All the three are correct
c. 1) and 3) are correct
d. 2) and 3) are correct.

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ANSWER: b. All the three are correct

Q2. When a wave falls on a perfect conductor

a. Wave is partially reflected and partially transmitted
b. All incident energy is reflected back without loss of energy
c. Part of energy gets absorbed
d. Both a) and c)

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ANSWER: b. All incident energy is reflected back without loss of energy

Q3. Brewster angle is the angle at which

a. No reflection occurs at the first medium
b. Reflection coefficient is zero
c. The wave gets refracted in the direction of source
d. Both a) and b)
e. Both a) and c)

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ANSWER: d. Both a) and b)

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