Rely on thyself - learn to work in an autonomous fashion

Rely on thyself – learn to work in an autonomous fashion.

Today is the time where, every organization seeks skilful and specialised people.

- While working in an autonomous fashion, people recognise you for the specialization and the particular skill-set
- The biggest benefit of working in an autonomous fashion is, individuals are accredited with appreciation for their skills and work without sharing it with the other members of the group
- The people are independent to work on their own way
- Specialised people are paid more remunerations because of their expertise
- The person will make less mistakes as compared to while working in a group as he is specialised and knows his work properly


- The working time is increased if you are working alone and not in a group. Hence taking double the time to finish the work
- In-case you are stuck somewhere, being in a group you have multiple suggestions to come out of the problem
- Autonomous fashion leads to people more into working in an isolated environment
- Specialised people are high on salary and cannot be afforded by every company


- A combination of both autonomous working culture as well as teamwork should be combined depending upon the project or the type of work and time involved
- Also the budgets should be kept in mind while hiring a specialised person.
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  • RE: Rely on thyself – learn to work in an autonomous fashion -Rishika Jalan (04/19/14)
  • In today’s world we all enjoy prosperity and this comes from the productive gains of diving work into smaller tasks which are performed by specialized employees. We live in a world now where working in an autonomous fashion is the new requirement and need of the company as well as the worker. By working in an autonomous fashion, individuals are given separate tasks according to their qualifications and specializations. This form of work has a lot of benefits to both employees and the company. Each worker is solely responsible for the entire task allotted to him. So in case of any trouble or mistake, he can’t shift the burden of accepting his flaw on someone else. He will have to take charge of it. One person is supposed to finish one work from scratch. He does not have to depend on any other team member. He is sufficiently qualified to complete the work and it does not cause any kind of delay as well. Workers specialized in their respective fields are paid high amounts of salary and in return they do what is expected out of them. It also brings a sense of self confidence and accomplishment to the worker to complete the entire work on his own. It provides a high level of job satisfaction which helps in productivity at the end. Thus, all should learn to work in an autonomous fashion.
  • RE: Rely on thyself – learn to work in an autonomous fashion -Rajani Sharma (01/10/14)
  • For:
    • Today every organisation seeks for skilful employees who can work in an autonomous fashion.

    • In has been seen many times that working in large teams lead to lesser individual contribution as they become so inter-dependent that they find it hard to complete any task on their own. On the other hand while working in an autonomous way the individual gets appreciated for his skills thus motivated to contribute more towards the organisation goals.

    • Self reliance is a must in today’s scenario as dependencies are reduced to a large extent by being self reliant.

    • Team work cannot be successful unless every member of the team is self reliant.

    • Individuals who have the ability to work in an autonomous manner are highly paid and are more in demand.

    • It also brings a sense of self worth in the individual which fills confidence in him to do his work accurately which helps in the overall performance of the team.

    • The knowledge and skills that a person gathers when he works on his own, take responsibilities and resolve complicated issues, these cannot be matched with any other experience. Thus, self-reliance is a productive quality and every employee must imbibe the same.

    • Most of the jobs cannot be done in isolation. Team work is an integral part of all the projects. In order to complete a task efficiently and meeting the deadlines, team work is necessary.

    • The main disadvantage of working in isolation is that the time required to complete any task is doubled as the individual has to each and every task on its own.

    • The number of ideas is limited while working in an autonomous way whereas in a group there are number of people with lots of ideas and suggestions. Thus in a group there is always a way out to every problem.

    • Individual with specialised skills are very expensive to be easily afforded by every company.

    • By working in a group, a person gets to learn various skills like interpersonal skills, leadership skills, human management skills and communication skills.