Right, Rite or Write

Right, Rite or Write

Right: It has various meanings used in various forms such as noun, verb, adverb, and adjective. It means correct, straight, or perfectly suitable. It is also used with sides, as in left and right side.

For example:

1. Everyone makes mistakes and nobody could be always right in his/her opinion.

2. It is absolutely right that she was the first one to cross the winning line yet the results were not in her favor.

3. Take a left, go straight to the third wing and then turn right—there is my apartment.

4. The mother has every right to get the custody of the child after the divorce, given that she is financially stable enough to look after the expenses of the child.

5. Between right and wrong, there is a very thin line which often seems propelling and calling for a trail on the other side.

Rite: It is used to specify a formal religious ceremony as in rites and rituals.

For example:

1. The entire family gathered at the church for the rite of baptism of the new boy in the family.

2. Baby shower is one of the rites of passage which are followed to seek blessings for the newborn in the family.

Write: It simply means to mark, draw or form words and figures that express the feelings in written form.

For example:

1. Not everyone can write equally well with their left hand, not everyone is ambidextrous.

2. He is a man who always keeps his words, but the people still wanted the contract in writing to be surer of their investments.

Read the following sentences and choose the one that uses the words correctly:

1. The elders in the family held extreme views regarding the performance of every single ____ (right/rite/write) during the marriage ceremony.
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ANSWER: rite

2. Being the legal heir to her aunt’s property she had ____ (rights/rites/writes) over everything she owned, and she was now destined to live life just the way she always wished to.
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ANSWER: rights

3. The teacher asked the students to ____ (right/rite/write) an essay on the ____ (rights/rites/writes) and reservations given to the backward castes in India.
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ANSWER: 1. Write, 2. Rights

4. All the ____ (rights/rites/writes) and rituals are based on some line of belief that run down the traditional myths of the tribe.
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ANSWER: rites

5. It is absolutely ____ (right/rite/write) that she holds the authority to suspend or terminate an employee of this company.
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ANSWER: right

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