RLC Circuits - Electronics Engineering test questions
(1) A capacitor can be used for (A) Both a.c. and d.c.
(B) d.c. but blocks a.c.
(C) a.c. but blocks d.c.
(D) None of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: a.c. but blocks d.c.
(2) Consider an inductor that passes a current of 7.96 mA. What will be the value of inductor when it is supplied with 50 V ac with a frequency of 10 kHz? (A) 100 mH
(B) 10 mH
(C) 1 mH
(D) 1H.
View Answer / Hide Answer(3) Let a source of 220V, 5Hz is connected to an electric bulb whose rating is 220 V. Then, the bulb(A) Glows intermittently
(B) Glows continuously
(C) Fuses
(D) Does not glow
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: Glows intermittently
(4) The secondary voltage is 1V when a 100 mA alternating current with a frequency of 1 kHz flows in the primary of two coupled coils. The mutual inductance between the coils is (A) 3.18 mH
(B) 31.8 mH
(C) 15.9 mH
(D) 1.59 mH
View Answer / Hide Answer(5) _____________ refers to the parallel circuit(A) The voltage across element is in proportion to its resistance value
(B) The equivalent resistance is greater than any one of the resistors
(C) The current through any one element less than the source current
(D) The current through each element is same
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: The current through any one element less than the source current
(6) The capacitor will complete its discharge most rapidly in(A) 10 μF capacitor with a 10 V charge, discharging through a 1 kΩ resistor
(B) A 50 pF capacitor with a 20 mV charge discharging through a 200 milli-ohm resistance
(C) 10 μF capacitor with a 50 V charge discharging through a 1 kΩ resistor
(D) Discharge rate will be same in all cases.
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: A 50 pF capacitor with a 20 mV charge discharging through a 200 milli-ohm resistance
(7) For the diagram shown below, under which of the following case the power dissipated in R3 will increase? 
(A) When R1 is increased
(B) When R2 is doubled
(C) E is reduced
(D) R4 is short circuited.
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: R4 is short circuited.
(8) Capacitive susceptance is a measure of (A) The extent of neutralization of reactive power in a circuit
(B) A purely capacitive circuit's ability to resist the flow of current
(C) A purely capacitive circuit's ability to pass current
(D) Reactive power in a circuit.
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: A purely capacitive circuit's ability to pass current
For Questions 9 to 12 refer to data given below:
Resistance R = 20Ω, Inductance L = 20mH are connected in series with an ac supply of 60 V with f = 100Hz.
(9) The current in R is(A) 2.54 A
(B) 5.08 A
(C) 1.27 A
(D) 10.26 A
View Answer / Hide Answer(10) The voltage across R is(A) 30.6 V
(B) 50.8 V
(C) 24.4 V
(D) 40.8 V
View Answer / Hide Answer(11) The voltage across L is(A) 50.5
(B) 45.5 V
(C) 39.1 V
(D) 31.9 V
View Answer / Hide Answer(12) The phase angle of current with respect to supply voltage is(A) 20.1°
(B) 40.1°
(C) 32.1°
(D) 28.1°
View Answer / Hide Answer(13) From the options given below which one represents largest mmf?(A) A 100-turn coil wound around a 30-cm cardboard core and passing a current of 0.75 A.
(B) A 20-turn coil wound around a 10 cm iron core and passing a current of 3 A
(C) A 60-turn coil wound around a 10 cm iron core and passing a current of 1 A
(D) None of the above
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: A 100-turn coil wound around a 30-cm cardboard core and passing a current of 0.75 A.
(14) Wattless current is possible only in(A) LCR-circuit
(B) LR-circuit
(C) Non-resistive circuit
(D) Resistive circuit
View Answer / Hide AnswerANSWER: Non-resistive circuit
(15) R and L connected in series are to operate at frequencies in the range of 100 Hz, 600 Hz. Over this range it is required that the current lags the source voltage by at least 30°. If R = 1000Ω, the appropriate value of L will be (A) 9.2 H
(B) 0.92 H
(C) 9.2 mH
(D) 0.92 mH
View Answer / Hide Answer(16) For a series RC circuit, voltage across R is measured to be 4V and voltage across C is measured to be 3 V. The ac source voltage must be (A) 5 V
(B) 3 V
(C) 4 V
(D) 7 V
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