Sample apology letter for betrayed trust

Sample apology letter for betrayed trust

This is the hardest letter I have ever written. I want you to know how terribly sorry I am for letting Barry know you were planning to leave the organisation.

We were discussing pending changes, and I foolishly mentioned the possibility without remembering your concern. I didn’t reveal the whole plan in details, but I obviously said too much.

I had no right to tell anyone about your thoughts or resigning. I can only imagine the shock and disappointment you felt towards me. This incident has taught me the importance of keeping personal information confidential in a harsh way.

I don't blame you for being very upset with me. I can only ask for your forgiveness and try to make it up to you somehow.

I only hope I can regain your trust by assuring that such carelessness will never occur again. Friendship, for me is very valuable and a friend like you is very hard to find.

I value your friendship very much and hope it can continue in spite of my stupidity. I am truly sorry for hurting you this way.
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