Sample letter for declining a request for a donation

Sample letter for declining a request for a donation

We recently received your letter requesting donations for your fundraising event for the environmental benefit. We do recognize the importance of this program and the work you do.

We agree that this is a very good cause, but unfortunately we will not be able to help this year because we have already exhausted our annual charitable giving budget this year. With the downturn in the economy, our company, like so many others, had to rationalize our corporate giving.

If you will contact us before the end of February of next year, we will be in a better position to consider your application and can include you in our budget next year. We wish you great success with this drive and with your program.
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  • RE: Sample letter for declining a request for a donation -Farhana Afreen (03/14/14)
  • Sample letter for declining a request for a donation

    We thank you for your invitation in support of the good cause that your organization is working for. However, due to the unfavorable financial conditions of our company this year we are sorry to inform that we shall not be able to make a donation.

    We understand your genuine efforts towards the elevating of the status of women in our society. We congratulate you for your thoughtfulness and a vision to make our country a better place for women. Our best wishes for your success in spreading the good message.

    We have been an ardent follower of your organization since 10 years and have regularly been contributing towards your causes and events. This year, however, has not been that good for our company due to recession as you must be well aware of. We have faced some unusual circumstances in our business and are still striving towards solving the issues. We are sad to inform you that this year we shall not be able to bequeath for the cause.

    As soon as we are out of the financial trouble, we shall make efforts to donate towards your cause. Keep up the excellent work that you are doing!