Sample letter to accept meeting request

Sample letter to accept meeting request

This letter is in reference to your meeting request to discuss about the future prospects of the project to design a new business unit. I am pleased to accept and will be meeting you in 28th August, 2013.

I thank you for extending this offer to me and I commit I shall make the most of this meeting and give you no opportunity to disappoint you.

We shall discuss about the various products involved in the business. I look forward to show you all the products to your growing company.

I believe this meeting will help us speed up the project. Thank you for your attention.
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  • Sample letter to accept meeting request -Hemant Sharma (03/25/14)
  • Sample letter to accept meeting request

    It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that your request for a Team Meeting, regarding the MIP grid and Bonus package of the employees has been accepted. The reasons you mentioned in the request seemed very much valid and hence facilitated the decision for calling Team Meeting at the earliest possible date.

    Nevertheless, the final decision about the MIP scale and Bonus will be made after discussion in the meeting itself.

    You are hereby directed to inform your team members about the meeting particulars. As mentioned above, it will be held on the 16th February, 2014 in the Main Auditorium on the 4th Floor, after 2:00 PM. Kindly inform the team members to be on time as the meeting will be presided by the Business Delivery Leader, Mr. Hemant Sharma.

    In case of any queries or concerns regarding the meeting, please feel free to contact me via email.