Sample letter to announce a special meeting

Sample letter to announce a special meeting

As you all know that, there have been many recent developments in the economic and financial situation that are seen to impact the operations of our company. In light of these developments,

we have decided to convene a special meeting of the staff to discuss measures we should take to deal with them.

The meeting will be held on 3rd March, 2 pm at conference room. If there is any information generated by your work that you feel could contribute significantly to our discussion, please feel

free to bring it to the meeting. Please see the enclosed attachment for the agenda of the meeting.

Attendance is mandatory. However, if there are pending matters that prevent you from attending, please inform your supervisor beforehand.
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  • RE: Sample letter to announce a special meeting -Farhana Afreen (03/14/14)
  • Sample letter to announce a special meeting

    XYZ Corporation requests all its employees to be available at office and be present for a special meeting that shall be held on (date). The meeting shall be done in our conference room in the new wing of our office and shall begin at (time).

    This meeting has been called upon to discuss on the issues our company is facing due to sudden termination of few of our members who were charged of the infringement in our code of conduct. We understand that their posts were highly influential and that the employees are facing a certain problem in their absence due to some work they left pending.

    We completely believe that together we can join to solve all issues. We have solved bigger issues in the past with the integration and cooperation of our highly skilled employees. There have been harder times for our company and yet we have stood firm to deal with it on a very positive note. It is only possible if we unite to discuss the ways of dealing with the issue. This meeting shall bring forwards whatever options we have in order to solve this issue in the best possible manner.

    To take over the posts of the terminated employees, we would like to promote some of our internal employees instead of bringing in new ones. We believe our internal employees understand the work in a better way than a newcomer can. We have a few names that we nominate for the position. We would need your affirmation since it is you who shall be working with them to solve the issues.

    If you shall be unavailable for the meeting, please inform the management in advance.