Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report

Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report

We have carefully gone through your report on the changes required in the HR polices of our organization. We appreciate the minute details mentioned in your proposal which can bring a positive change in the outlook of our HR department and motivate our employees. Your suggestion especially in the area of Employee Relations and Talent Acquisition are noteworthy. We are sure that it will help our HR personnel to employ a new approach while performing their duties.

You will be delighted to know that we have forwarded your proposal to Mr.Vinay Shukla, Honourable Chairman, XYZ Corporation for review. As soon as we get a nod from him, we’ll revise the HR policies.

We thank you for good suggestions and look forward to getting more suggestions from our employees which can benefit our company as well as our employees. We seek active participation of our employees in the formation of our policies and on a regular basis we keep try to incorporate the changes in them.

We’ll let you and other employees know as soon as the decision of the Chairman is received.
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  • Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report -Deepa Kaushik (03/31/14)
  • Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report

    I am absolutely confident and 100 per cent sure about my conviction and firm belief in the Election Commission of India’s recent proposals regarding one man-one seat concept for fighting

    general elections across India.

    To elaborate my view point for the benefit of the common man, I would like to go deeper into its undesirable financial and moral constraints associated with one candidate simultaneously

    opting to fight election at two different constituencies. It is everybody’s guess that organising an election at the central level for a single constituency entails heavy financial

    constraints on the Government of India, which in turns directly or indirectly affects the common man. To please and accommodate unscrupulous candidates opting to fight from two

    constituencies, we are indirectly encouraging them to choose and leave one constituency at their will if they manage to win at both constituencies. In addition, it means that the voting

    public is unnecessarily bothered to vote once again for by-election to be held on future date entailing lots of expenditure and loss of time and energy for the Election Commission’s

    officials. In fact, it is not the recommended procedure for ensuring proper fair and meaningful election process because, it means that one prospective winner of such a seat being

    relinquished shall be unduly deprived of.

    Considering the enormity of the situation, it shall be worthwhile for the judiciary and the legislative to take up the matter very seriously and penalised such candidates who illegitimately

    opt to fight simultaneously from two different constituencies only to be relinquished on a later date. Moreover, the Election Commission should come down heavily on such candidates and

    penalise them monetarily as well by compelling them to bear the entire cost of conducting the so-called unnecessary by-election.

    Trust the authorities concerned shall dwell upon my strong feelings for abolishing altogether the unnecessary complications involved by permitting such unscrupulous politicians to fight from

    two different constituencies to the overall determent of the entire nation.
  • Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report -Lubna Lakdawala (03/21/14)
  • Sample letter to endorse a proposal or report

    We truly appreciate your report on “improved internal hiring process”. We have reviewed and analyzed your report. And found it to very appropriate to the current scenario in our organization.

    Thank you for sharing your ideas! We certainly believe that this is exactly what we need at this time. As you mentioned it is a low cost and a time friendly scheme. The entire Human Recourses Department is impressed with your report and would like to go further by implementing it. We have forwarded your report to the board for its approval.

    I will tell the board that I can think of no reason for not adopting it immediately. I am certain they will see the value in this proposal. Thank you for your thorough work.