SAMSUNG Placement Paper - Technical Questions from previous years

SAMSUNG Placement Paper - Technical Questions from previous years

Q1. An autonomic variable within a function is -

a) Local
b) Global
c) Not initialised to zero
d) Type must be declared before using a variable

Q2. What is incorrect about scope of variables?

a) Automatic variables are automatically initialised to 0
b) Static variables are automatically initialised to 0
c) Address of a register variable is not accessible
d) Static variables cannot be initialised with any variable

Q3. For the following two statements choose one:

Q4. Which of the following is not an infinite loop?

a) While (1) {

b) For(;;) {

c) X=0;
/x*unaltered within the loop*/
} while (x==0);

d) # define TRUE 0
while (TRUE) =0

Q5. SWITCH is better than ELSE IF because?

a) Switch is easier to understand
b) Several statement can be executed with switch
c) Default condition can be used with switch
d) None

Q6. How do you create an infinite loop in C?

a) FOR (;;)..
b) IF(=) BREAK
c) WHILE()
d) All

Q7. Which storage class specification is used in C?

a) External
b) Static
c) All
d) None

Q8. One dimensional array in C is most commonly used for
a) String
b) Character
c) Data
d) Functions

Q9. For which loop does C provide loop constructs

a) DO
c) FOR
d) None

Q10. ctype.h header file can be used for

a) Providing links to assembly language for calls
b) Providing diagnostic and debugging assistance
c) Providing character type identification and translation
d) None

Q11. What is the operator for exponentiation?

a) **
b) ^
c) %
d) None
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