Should MPs be given special treatment at airports?

Should MPs be given special treatment at airports?

At the start of this year, during elections time, Aviation regulator DCGA said all airlines should give MPs VIP treatment. The regulator asked the private airlines to provide all the special privileges to MPs including escorts, security, lounge access, complimentary refreshments, advance notice of flights and list goes on. All the airlines were said to adhere to follow the set protocols. Do you support the decision? Do you agree that MPs should be given special treatment at airports?


• MPs have got busy schedules especially at the times of parliamentary sessions, and so a little consideration in form of special treatment is justified.

• Airline industry is hospitality industry and every hospitality industry pays special attention to commercially important people.

• NO preferential treatment beyond the defined limit is given to the MPs, and therefore there should be no objection.

• Many a times, airports and airlines do not adhere to set protocols and do not extend courtesy to MPs. Therefore, the step should be welcomed.

• The decision is taken by the aviation regulators who check all the pros and cons before making any final decision.


• MPs are there to serve the citizens of India, and not to take the special privileges on expense of taxpayers’ money.

• Already MPs get special treatment like executive class tickets and easy check-in process. They just want more facilities without paying a penny for it.

• National Carriers like Air India desperately need to cut down its headcount and other expenses. However, giving special privileges will result in extra costs and higher headcount.

• It is not easy to pay individual attention to all MPs at airports especially during parliamentary session when a lot many MPs are traveling from home towns to national capital.

• The special privileges to MPs will come at a cost of convenience of other passengers who feel discriminated. It will hamper the image of airlines industry.


Why do MPs need special treatment at airports? Can’t they pay for their refreshments or don’t they have enough stamina to stand in a queue for few minutes? If it is the case, then their condition is really pitiable. Moreover, it is just about the mindsets and habit of so called MPs who just seek attention and want to get everything free of cost.
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  • RE: Should MPs be given special treatment at airports? -Deepa Kaushik (09/16/14)
  • Speacial treatments and benefits is the foremost reason which makes our country corrupt and greedy for power and money. Before talking about MPs if we can think rationally for a second as to whom should the privileges go to, we would all converge our acceptance at a common point that is in case of emergency. A person who is completely disable or incapable of carrying on with his task under normal circumstances requires the helping hand in terms of special treatment or privilege.

    Coming on to our topic of discussion regarding the special treatment to MPs at airports; it is definitely not required. An MP is a normal human being like any other person. If he has some important task, then the others are not valueless creatures to waste their expensive time. Providing special treatment is not going to take-off the flight early for them. If at all they want to reach early, they should be starting for the earlier flights.

    Again, their salary is not less than an average Indian citizen. When others are paying out their own expense, then why can't a MP pay for his / her own? It is the tax payers money that the government is wasting on these people, which should be ideally used for the betterment of common man. Providing them the VIP treatment is not acceptable with our hard-earned money. When the aviation sector is already under great financial deficit, then what is the requirement or urge for this useless allocations? This amount could be better utilised to retain the airlines from privatization.

    MPs are public representatives. They should walk on people's lines. Taking the benefits and creating discomfort for common man, making him wait an extra time for their own convenience can never make a good representative. The person who demands special treatment for being an MP should be first pulled down from his power and authority. Those who demand for their selfish needs and make public life worse, lack the talent or ability to handle such a responsible position.

    Though there could be as many projections trying to justify the allocations and privileges for the MPs, but the stand remains unacceptable at any and every point. There is no requirement to give any special treatment to the MPs
  • RE: Should MPs be given special treatment at airports? -Ashish (09/16/14)
  • no..they shouldnt be given special treatment at airports...
    they should be treated as an indian citizen..