Six Spider Species: Overview of Discovery

Six Spider Species: Overview of Discovery

Question: Researchers at the Biodiversity Research Centre of Christ college have spotted 6 new species of spiders at Harithavanam near the banks of Aluva Sivathri Manappuram. Discuss the recent addition to the biodiversity of India.

- Scientists at the Biodiversity Research Centre of Christ College, Irinjalakuda have spotted 6 new species of spiders at Harithavanam located at the banks of Aluva Sivathri Mannapuram

- The study exploring the spiders coincided with the World Environment Day on June 5th

- Spiders spotted included the following:


- This originates from a family of an extremely poisonous spider, the black widow

- It is about the size of the housefly and exists in an irregular web woven between the green leaves


- This refers to the other two species belonging to the genus Tetragntha

- This yellow coloured long jawed spider has 4 black sports on the abdomen and black bands on leg joints

- Dorsal surface of the abdomen of the green coloured long jawed spider is covered with white scales


- A new species of the genus Trachelas is an ant mimicking spider characterised by the presence of 8 diamonds such as sparkling eyes located at the back of a dark brown coloured head


- The spider belonging to this genus focuses on insects in water bodies and it has white lines on a brown coloured body as well as significant spines on the legs. 8 eyes are located in two rows of inverted U-shaped pattern


- The sixth spider belongs to this genus and it is a member of the comb footed spider family

- This small spider has small webs in between the grass blades for catching prey

- It also has a black glossy body and brown coloured legs

- Researchers have also pointed to the diversity of species in small areas such as these and the requirement to protect the ecologically fragile area

Facts and Stats

- Discovery of six new spider species indicate the rich biodiversity of this region with researchers finding a total of 49 species of spiders in this state
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