Small is beautiful
Small is beautiful
With the age of the internet, everything that we do is in the public view. Youngsters are constantly connected and take a lot of pride in being in the now. We are under constant pressure of information overload where everything is available to our use immediately. As we think and dream, we seem to create. New technology has affected our culture- our lives are fundamentally changing and so are our interactions. Communication and social networking in common parlance has changed forever. Facebook started in the campus of Harvard; it started with a small code by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. The rest of the story is history in the making.
Did you know how each of these life changing ideas came into existence? Each of these innovators started experimenting with a small idea. A small idea is akin to a seed boiling in the incubation cauldron of innovative ideas.
I do believe that small is beautiful. A small baby being born is a wonder. The first small steps by a baby are a memorable event for all parents. It is the first step which is also the big moment- the A-ha moment in all our lives.
Any small baby animal endears all of us and arouses compassion and kindness in us. In a similar light, all energy and matter is made up of the smallest of particles- the atoms which comprises of even smaller electrons, protons and the neutrons. The building blocks of the human body are amazing units called as cells which have the DNA carrying the genes.
Many things are invisible to the naked eye. They are all at the micro level- the smallest level yet influence at the macro level. Small is potent. You can see how they are seen to influence at the highest levels. In a very fundamental way, all big things get built from the small. The genesis of big things starts with the small. Small is indeed beautiful.