Squelch Circuit & Automatic gain control of the AM receiver

Squelch circuit

a.) Suppresses output audio
b.) Works when there is insufficient desired input signal
c.) Is used to suppress the unwanted channel noise when there is no reception by the receiver.
d.) All of the above

Correct Answer: d) All of the above


Squelch circuit suppresses the output audio when there is insufficient desired input signal at the receiver. The circuit is used to suppress the unwanted channel noise when there is no reception by the receiver. Squelch circuits may be used in wireless microphones stay away from replicating the noise when enough signal is not received. Regulating squelch is provided in some systems for the receiver.

In Automatic gain control of the AM receiver

a.) Gain of the receiver is adjusted
b.) The gain adjustment depends upon the strength of the received signal
c.) The output provided is a DC voltage
d.) All of the above

Correct Answer: d) All of the above


The automatic gain control (AGC) circuit is used to adjust the gain of the receiver depending upon the strength of the received signal at the receiver. The AGC gives a DC voltage as an output that is proportional to the amplitude of the received signal. In AGC, the output is a linear function of the input.
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