The pros and cons of ‘Brexit’ from the European Union
United Kingdom is considering withdrawal from the European Union, which is commonly being shortened to be known as Brexit or “Britain’s exit.” It is being predicted and called for by individuals, political groups and advocacy groups for their own purposes. A similar referendum in 1975 decided that UK should continue to remain within EU. The next referendum or voting which is scheduled to be held on 23 June 2016 will decide if UK will continue to be a part of European Union or withdraw from it.
Britain was incompatible with Europe in 1963 due to its economy from work and agriculture and hence it was not a signatory to the Treaty of Rome that led to the creation of EEC. Later when it got the membership, there began the opposition Labour Party that wanted renegotiation of terms and then hold a referendum on whether to remain or leave.
Last year PM Cameron promised that if he won the elections, he could hold a referendum since his own MPs were beginning to question that Britain did not get a say ever since 1975. People believe that a lot has changed since then and it is time that individuals get their say regarding Britain’s status in EU, especially unhappy about the immigration rules.
Pros:1. Being held back: Britain has for long being held back by the EU, imposing too many rules on business and charging billions of pounds per year as membership free, all the while doing very little to nothing in return. EU membership has also limited Britain’s international influence, keeping it from an independent seat at the World Trade Centre. Once Brexit happens, UK will be free to widespread its influence as opportunities extend themselves.
2. Immigration: Britain has every right to get control over the number of immigrants coming to their land to live or work. The open border policy has not being doing too well for the people of UK. They are facing issues and that is not going to change until European Union relaxes its stringent rules of “free movement” which is also being opposed by other member nations. There will be more sovereignty as Britain will be able to make its own rules without being held back by imposed rules of EU.
3. Security: With borders sealed and greater restrictions imposed on who enters and who doesn’t, there will be more sense of security amid the common people who have for long been agitated with the immigration issues that brought along a dozen other issues of incompatible people coming from across the borders and claiming their own rules. A lot of security threat would be lessened if people of the region are to be believed.
4. Free trading: Britain is held back from fully capitalizing on its trade with major countries like Japan, India and UAE. Britain has for long been subjected to slow and inflexible bureaucracy of the European Union that has been making it prohibitive for smaller and innovative companies. Britain’s job market would also improve considerably since there will be carefully selective immigration. It will be like freedom earned for its own good for Britain.
5. People’s opinion: Common people of Britain are agitated with EU not just for the relentless immigration but also because they have to sacrifice a lot each owing to the policies of VAT contribution and agricultural subsidies. These are bureaucratic rules imposed by the EU on Britain that people are more than willing to do away with.
Cons:1. No more easy trade: Easy selling of goods and businesses form one EU country to the other did open up doors for vendors who established trade between the nations and now with the exit of Britain, there could be rules and customs imposed which will harm trade in more ways we can anticipate. The wider union and the exchange of favorable treatment from both sides have always boosted trade for big businesses.
2. Rise in price: With Britain gone from EU, there will be considerable hike in prices of imports, food and other everyday used goods. There have been constant warnings regarding this imminent consequence of Brexit which won’t be a good sign for the nations that setup business in UK owing to the fact that there was a ‘single market’ with easy flow of goods and products to major nations.
3. International companies will leave: Many big businesses and international companies are in UK mainly because of its easy connectivity to the open EU market. With that gone, there would be impending threat of these companies withdrawing their business from UK immediately. There will be other options for these companies but UK will be left out of options once the single market closes its door or easy trade with the member nations.
4. Losing influence: Britain has a lot of influence in EU which leads it to greater influence over international matters. Once it leaves EU, it will be left out of an important podium where major decisions are made. Negotiating policies is possible; it was done with the Schengen Agreement and enforced migrant quote and it can be done again only if Britain keeps its sanity and calm in the referendum.
5. Together in threats: Being in the EU gives better protection to Britain at times when there is imminent threat to security. Cross border crime and terrorism is not going down without the combined support from the world powers that stand together being a part of EU.
6. Investment: Britain does pay huge membership free each year but in turn it also gets billions of pounds worth of investment each year. This would also go with the package once Britain steps out of the union. No more trade agreement with the member nations and no more of barrier free trading across borders!
There are political agendas behind the referendum that is about to be held soon. Politics, wherever involved, talks of only a fraction of the truth – the fraction that needs to be told out. Those so bent on favoring Brexit are totally ignoring the cons of being separated from a bigger union of countries that brings trade, good influence and security to UK. Regarding renegotiations of policies, it has been done before and could always be done in the future if advocates could spare the political reasons aside.