Thermistor, Signal Conditioning Circuits & Thermoelectric Laws - MCQs with answers

Thermistor, Signal Conditioning Circuits & Thermoelectric Laws - MCQs with answers

1. Which characteristics play a significant role in increasing the current flow continuously with the reduction in resistance until the heat dissipation of thermistor becomes exactly equal to the value of power supply?

a. Voltage -Time Characteristics
b. Current-Time Characteristics
c. Resistance Temperature Characteristics
d. Self-Heat Characteristics

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ANSWER: d. Self-Heat Characteristics

2. Which bridge is utilized in signal conditioning circuits for balancing purpose?

a. Maxwell Bridge
b. Wheatstone Bridge
c. Wein Bridge
d. Kelvin Bridge

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ANSWER: b. Wheatstone Bridge

3. According to the law of intermediate metals, the thermal emf of any two two metals in a a homogeneous medium corresponding to third/other metal is nothing but equal to algebraic _________

a. sum of individual e.m.fs w.r.t third/ another homogeneous metal

b. difference of individual e.m.fs w.r.t third /another homogeneous metal

c. sum of individual e.m.fs w.r.t third / another heterogeneous metal

d. difference of individual e.m.fs w.r.t third / another heterogeneous metal

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ANSWER: a. sum of individual e.m.fs w.r.t third/ another homogeneous metal

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