Three language formula for CBSE - Pros and Cons
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has decided to go back to its once criticized compulsory three language formula. According to this system, which will be levied on students appearing board exams of class X after the year 2020, they will have to study three Indian languages. English can be one of the languages and the other two will be chosen from the list of regional Indian languages. Foreign language will be an alternate subject which can be learnt vocationally but will not be subject to being counted in their final grades.
Education ministry took the decision to stop institutes from teaching German, French or Mandarin as the third language. The biggest fear with the three language formula comes from increased pressure on students. They will now have to study six subjects instead of five and the two other languages apart from English will be either Hindi and a regional language or Sanskrit.
Pros1. Significance of society languageSome students simply opted out the Hindi language and went with the combination of English, foreign language and a regional language that they are familiar with. This kept them ignorant of the national language or the language that lets them communicate freely with the society, irrespective of status, caste or religion. The importance of Hindi will be learnt and understood with the implementation of this formula.
2. Significance of regional languageThe place where you are born and live is your native land. You are supposed to be proud of it and remember your roots wherever you go in life. Some regional languages are losing popularity faster than the others. They are being ignored and forgotten, especially amid centre board private school students where they can easily opt out of learning regional language after class VII or VIII.
3. Because the board says soAccording to CBSE’s, the third language must be an Indian language and not a popular foreign language like French and German. The syllabus is meant to include English, Hindi, and an Indian language, while foreign language is supposed to be the fourth optional language subject for Class X board exams. Parents misuse this and force foreign language on children since they believe that it will help them later in life.
4. Extending to class XStudents do not take it seriously when they know that they will have to study the additional language only till class VII or VIII. They are usually left out of actually learning the regional language which is the main motive behind the implementation of three language formula.
Cons1. Increased burdenIncreasing the burden on students who had earlier five subjects to deal with and will now have six is unjust. Not everyone is well acquainted with the regional language so as to write and entire paper on it in their boards which in our country decides the future of the student. They can lose their grades because of this change and their future could be affected. The kind of pressure this would put on the minds of students is treacherous.
2. Forcing Sanskrit in some areasIn places where the regional language is Hindi like Delhi, Bihar, Jharkhand, UP etc., students with only have one option and that is Sanskrit, not by their choice but by the choice of schools. These states usually have additional language teacher only for Sanskrit so there is no point in telling the students that they have a vast array of languages to choose from.
3. Not much applicableBeing able to read and understand regional language is necessary and that is something students easily grab while growing in a region and studying the language till class VII. Making them literary genius in that language to be able to comprehend prose and poetry of that language is burdensome and hectic. Let us accept it; these languages are not much applicable.
Forcing students to study an additional language is burdensome and especially when they are not of much use later. Foreign language is an advantage if they get to study abroad later.