Trump’s visa ban on 7 Muslim nations - Pros and Cons
Donald Trump is absolutely determined about keeping his election promises. First, the order to build US-Mexico wall and now another order of barring immigrants from seven Muslim-majority nations (Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen) from entering US. There are protests everywhere and people are calling it extreme discrimination. The visas of citizens of these nations are to be banned and some were stranded at US airports.
Trump has cleared that it is not war on Muslims but on terrorism in an attempt to keep his country safe. Over the next 90 days, they will be reviewing and implementing secure policies and then visas will be issued again. Let’s find out how the ban will affect people -
Pros1. SecuritySecurity of American nationals has always been compromised owing to the generous visa policies. Terrorism always found its way inside and affected, destroyed, and plummeted the lives of thousands each time they planned on going rogue. The visa-ban will being security to people as new policies are implanted in the process.
2. Originally Obama’s planThe visa ban implemented by Trump might put him in bad light, the place he has always been in the eyes of liberals but the fact is that the ban is actually a plan designed by Obama. The seven nations were called by former President as terrorist hotbeds and he was already calling for a ban on non-immigrants who come on visit from these countries.
3. Not anti-MuslimIt is to be noted that the move is not a war against Muslims or Islam as some are suggesting. A Christian couple were also detained and sent back to Sudan after the visa ban was implemented. Green card holders who exit US are also abstained for 90 days.
4. Better screeningThere will be better screening of people entering to US which will mean that criminals and terror agents would not be able to enter the nation. They are less likely to risk and get caught in the process which will indirectly lessen terror attacks.
Cons1. Deteriorating imageThough Trump says that the move is not discriminatory to Muslims, it is widely seen as an attempt to increase Islamophobia amongst people, labeling them all as terrorists. He promised to ban the entry of Muslims and he seems to be keeping it. His new points are bound to be lost on common people worldwide who know him for what he built his image of.
2. Possible retaliationThere will be retaliation will similar bans from other countries for US citizens. Other countries will also be making their visa screening stricter, making it hard on US citizen. It will affect the relation with Iran which has been a partner of US in fighting against ISIS. The nuclear agreement with Iran will also be affected. These countries may start looking upon America as the ultimate enemy and the consequences could be fatal.
3. Green card holders and dual citizensGreen card holders and people will dual citizenships are likely to be worst affected. They have work and family and need to be on the go between their native land and US. They are stranded at airports and are finding it difficult to understand that the move is of any good.
4. Affecting scienceThere are scientists and researchers working in US from the list of banned nations. They have devoted their entire life to research and science in a foreign nation and are now being looked down upon as terrorists who might have to either leave or forget going back. As pointed out in the online petition, “the ban will make recruitment and international research collaboration more difficult, barring highly-skilled workers and scholars from entering the country.”
Protest against the ban is larger than the ones supporting the move. Google strongly condemned the move and crated $4 million crisis fund to help people hit by US visa ban. There are skilled workers who might go out of job all of a sudden, which makes it important to think about its implementation.