Types of interrupts from Type 0 to 4 - 8086

Explain the types of interrupts from Type 0 to 4 briefly.

The following are the various types of interrupts:

- Type 0 interrupts: This interrupt is also known as the divide by zero interrupt. For cases where the quotient becomes particularly large to be placed / adjusted an error might occur.

- Type 1 interrupts: This is also known as the single step interrupt. This type of interrupt is primarily used for debugging purposes in assembly language.

- Type 2 interrupts: also known as the non-maskable NMI interrupts. These type of interrupts are used for emergency scenarios such as power failure.

- Type 3 interrupts: These type of interrupts are also known as breakpoint interrupts. When this interrupt occurs a program would execute up to its break point.

-Type 4 interrupts: Also known as overflow interrupts is generally existent after an arithmetic operation was performed.
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