What are the steps involved in the process flow of the SQL statement through channel attached system? - Teradata

What are the steps involved in the process flow of the SQL statement through channel attached system?

The process is as follows:

- User accesses the system and generates the SQL query, where the client system is attached through a channel.

- The query generates from the BTEQ session using the interactive terminal that is used to code the program with the host language.

- CLI request handler handles the packages that are used with the system and then send it to the Teradata Director Program (TDP).

- TDP then establishses the system and takes the session of the client by routing the request to the parsing engine.

- Parser component is used to parse the information and evaluates the output of it.

- BYNET is used as a distribution system to execute the steps that are used in AMP for the processing.

- AMPs execute the steps that perform certain operation on the database.

- File system is used to perform the primitive operation on the data blocks that consists of manipulation of the controls.

- Disk subsystem is used to retrieve the blocks that are requested for the file system and then it is passed to the disk manager that handles and manages the data blocks.
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