What are the steps need to be taken to replace the buttons on toolbars with smiley? - AutoCAD

What are the steps need to be taken to replace the buttons on toolbars with smiley?

- AutoCAD have the place for button icons in the toolbar and toolboxes that it gets replaced with the smiley.

- AutoCAD provides the buttons for the template files that can be edited after customizing the toolbars.

- The changes are being provided by the template files that can cause the menu resources and allow the creation of files according to the requirements.

- To use smiley instead of buttons following steps are required and needed:

- Open the AutoCAD’s menu and edit the button file using the bitmap file that is saved in the support path.

- Move or copy the icon files that are used for different menus toolbars and open it according to the menus chosen.

- The button properties can be seen and an editor dialog box will be given according to the save as button.

- The directory is specified with the supported path and the Apply button properties are also being given for the AutoCAD properties.
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