What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site? - SEO

What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site?

- Spiders are the information gathering tools that allow the bot to collect the information about the web sites on the Internet.

- The programs that are used provide gathering of the content from the web site and the store for processing of the data.

- There are two ways in which spiders can perform the search function on the website and it is as follows:

- Search engine can be allowed to find the website that is being created directly by the use of Meta keywords or data.

- It can also tell the search engine the information about the website and use the related data to provide to let your site appear on the search engines.
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  • RE: What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site? - SEO -suhail shams (10/02/15)
  • spiders can easily find website thrw meta tag,title tag,suitable keywords...but u should avoid duplication Of contents ,meta tag limit (150-160 is Best ) ,tittle(15 is Best ) ..ALSO backlinks or inbound linka is Best way to Reach website quickly
  • RE: What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site? - SEO -suhail shams (10/02/15)
  • spiders can easily find website thrw meta tag,title tag,suitable keywords...but u should avoid duplication Of contents ,meta tag limit (150-160 is Best ) ,tittle(15 is Best ) ..
  • What are the ways in which spiders can find the web site? - SEO -vivek (10/16/14)
  • Good Answer