What do you understand by Taylor's & Merrick's Differential Piece-Rate system?

What do you understand by Taylor's & Merrick's Differential Piece-Rate system?

The Taylor's & Merrick's Differential Piece-Rate systems are used to describe how earnings vary from minimum to maximum at different levels of output.

In the Taylor's Differential Piece-Rate system, there is a low rate for output below the standard, and a higher piece-rate for output above the standard with a large bonus of 50% of the time-rate when the standard output is attained.

In the Merrick's Differential Piece-Rate system, straight piece rate is paid to the worker upto 83% of the standard output, at which a bonus of 10% of the time-rate is payable, with a further 10% bonus on reaching the standard output. This is to encourage both new & average workers.
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