Which companies are you talking to?

Which companies are you talking to?

This can be the very obvious next question you may face. If you are not comfortable in revealing the names of the companies you can simply say, “I respect the confidentiality of those companies so I would not like to name them in the interview.”
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  • RE: Which companies are you talking to? -Farhana Afreen (09/22/15)
  • This is one exciting question which can get you the job only if you know your cards all too well. Naming a few of their competitors can easily make you the star of the show and they would for once want to consider that if they let go of you, they could be giving away a good candidate to their competitors. Name the companies if you really have applied in them or if you have interviews lined up with them.

    You may also choose not to mention the company names but in any case, do not hide the fact that you have applied in a few more companies or have more interviews lined up. Mention very politely that you would like to keep it confidential for the moment. However, at the end always add that you find this company for which you are interviewing the best one that suits your preferences and work profile. Do not sound arrogant if you have interviews lined with bigger players in the market since you are yet to confirm that you have the job and you do not want to loose the one at hand.

    If you haven't applied to any other company, there is no harm in admitting that. You can mention that their company is you first choice and preference as the job description matches your search very well and that it is only recently that your started the search. Give them an idea that it is your early days of search and that you would be applying to more companies.