Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?

Will you be happy to re-locate, if required?

You can say, for a right position and right company relocation should not be a problem. Do not close the discussion at the earlier stage by saying “No”.

However, if you are sure that you will not be able to re-locate due to some personal reasons, tell the interviewer right away as they might be interviewing for a position for which the candidate needs to re-locate.
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  • RE: Will you be happy to re-locate, if required? -Farhana Afreen (06/19/15)
  • Be prepared for this question or you will find yourself wondering right there on the pros and cons of moving away from family. The answer must be honest so do not jump in with a direct "yes" just because the job is promising and you are enthusiastic to grab the opportunity. Do not say "no" because you haven't considered the option yet.

    If you are willing to relocate and have talked it through with your family, answer in affirmative adding that if you find better prospects of growth in a new location, you would relocate and that you are willing to work in new environments and places.

    If you have problem in relocating and are absolutely sure about it, do tell them so adding the reason which prevents you from relocating. An honest reason might save you even if the interviewer had something else planned for you.

    When in doubt, simply question. Express your doubts regarding relocation and they would be willing to answer if they want you to relocate. However, it is definitely rude to throw in question for a question. Answer in probability and then put forth your doubts.
    "I love working in this place, its my hometown, the place where I can stay with my family. But I can definitely consider relocating given the opportunity is good for my career. I find this position the one for which I can relocate."