Write a program that shows the use of DWORD, WORD, and BYTE? - Windows Programming

Write a program that shows the use of DWORD, WORD, and BYTE?

- DWORD, WORD, and BYTE are the data types used for a specific length instead of the target platform.

- It includes the complexity to write the program with it as it needs header files to be used.

- It provides portability with the code and also with different hardware platforms on different compilers.

#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t BYTE;
typedef uint16_t WORD;
typedef uint32_t DWORD;

- DWORDs: are also known as Double WORDs and used as a data type, defined as unsigned 32 bit.

- WORDs: are used as a Single word and defined as unsigned 16 bit values.

- WORDs are machine independent and they are used for the programming purpose.

- BYTEs are defined as unsigned unsigned 8-bit values.
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