New termite species Glyptotermes Chiraharitae discovered in Kerala
Q. A new termite species has been discovered in Kerala. In which sanctuary has it been discovered?- Published on 12 Oct 16a. Malabar
b. Bharatpur
c. Kaziranga
d. None of the above
ANSWER: Malabar

A new species of termite Glyptotermes Chiraharitae has been discovered in Kakkayam in the Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary Kerala
- The species has been named Chiraharitae after the tropical green forests of the Western Ghats where it has been discovered
- Termites are of three types- damp wood, dry wood and subterranean.
- Glyptotermes Chiraharitae species are of the damp wood category
- They are exclusively wood dwelling and do not require any contact with soil
- The flying adults of this species is approximately 10mm long while the soldiers are around 9.5mm long
- Its relatives are known to attack mango, sal, banyan, astrocarpus, silver oak, jamun trees, sals
- In India, there are 285 species of termites and among them are 61 documented from Kerala