What is SOAP Envelope element? - SOAP

What is SOAP Envelope element?

SOAP envelope element is the root element used to define the XML document as a SOAP message.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.abc.org/2001/12/soap-envelope" soap:encodingStyle="http://www.abc.org/2001/12/soap-encoding">
Message information goes here

What are SOAP Envelope element, SOAP actor element and SOAP body element?

1. Envelope Element : Envelope element contains header child and body child element.
2. Actor Element : Actor element specifies an entity by which an element is processed. It is referred as the ultimate recipient of the message, and used for assigning header entries to specific entities.
3. Body Element : Body element encloses the body entries of the message.
What is SOAP actor element? - SOAP
The header element may pass through different endpoints before it reaches the receiver.......
What do you mean by SOAP encoding? - SOAP
A SOAP message has no default encoding. Hence, in order to define data types used in the document encodingStyle attribute is used. It can appear in any SOAP element.......
Why Encrypt SOAP messages? - SOAP
A SOAP response message has unencrypted data which can be accessed by prying eyes that could access as the message that is transmitted over the wire........
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