Is It Fair To Kill One To Save Many?

Is It Fair To Kill One To Save Many?

Have you ever heard about the theory known as ‘Utilitarianism?’ As per the theory, only the action that will result in the good for the greatest number of people should be preferred in all cases. Any action which is a result of utilitarianism will be justified by the society. However, the opposite theory of deontology states that certain actions cannot be justified no matter what the situations are. The theory even calls lying bad even when it is done for a good purpose. So, let us involve in a debate, Is It Fair to Kill One to Save Many?


• The fairness of any action depends on its objective and end result. If it is essential to kill one to save many, the step should be taken.

• Let us not forget about the death penalty where it becomes essential to punish the criminal to save lives of many other innocent people. It especially stands true for terrorists.

• Let us talk about the quantum of good. More good is associated by saving more people compared to one single life.

• Sometimes there are epidemic problems during which it becomes important to separate the infected patients from others. The attitude is justified as it is about saving more number of lives.

• A rapist should be called on the spot so that he can never ever get an opportunity to rape and kill any other girl in the future.


• Let us talk about the case of hijack of planes where hijackers demand of Prime Minister or some other influential person in exchange of 100 people lives. Should the person who impacts millions of life be sent to death to save few people?

• There are still many villages and places where the people kill someone who suffers from communicable disease. In the world of science is it a fair treatment?

• Neither can any one decide nor has the right to decide, whose life is precious and whose life is not. The person in question can be a serial killer or life-saving doctor.

• Killing even for saving lives of some people is wrong. Taking any such action for any reason cannot be justified.

• If killing one person to save many is accepted, people in the society will come up with their personal excuses to defend killing.


If the statement is examined on basis of literal meaning, then yes everyone will support one person should be killed to save lives of many other people. However, the same action is not justified in all circumstances. The person in question cannot be ignored. If the person is harmful for society, there is no harm in killing but what if the person is of great importance to the society and nation. In such a case, ‘Utilitarianism’ theory will fail.
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  • RE: Is It Fair To Kill One To Save Many? -Deepa Kaushik (12/19/14)
  • The topic under discussion has a hidden clause. Though the cause is genuine to save many, still it holds equally important to check whether the one to be killed or sacrificed is a good person or bad. It would be unfair to flag the same law for everyone. Life is not simply white or black, but it exists in different shades of grey. So, we cannot simply say kill or save the life without analysing the facts and circumstances.

    A criminal or accused can be definitely killed to save many lifes. But if the same person who is found guilty, accepts and wants to get out of the pit of guilt, deserves a chance to life. Any punishment other than claiming his life should be appropriate for him. It wouldn't be fair to kill a person who has quit his evil traits even if that be a case to save many. When we can forgive a guilty person, the a good person can never be accepted into a death pit just with a vague reason of saving others.

    Any circumstance that leaves many for a life is destructive and most unreliable. It can make a U-turn and turn out to be a curse for those saved, at any instance of life. Hence, it is not acceptable to kill a good person to save others.