Are cops reduced to political servants in India?

Are cops reduced to political servants in India?
The president of the All India Police Federation, Amrita Lal Singha Roy’s comment on Bengal Police being reduced to political servants is not confined to a particular state. It is rather in the whole of the country where corruption dominates on the cops and the actions taken by them are completely affected by political pressure. Cops succumb to these pressures and instead of policing the implementation of laws; they are made to act as puppets at the calls of ministers.

Yes, cops are mere political servants:

1. An accused of a serious, heinous crime gets released from arrest at a mere phone call from the top ministry. Even without thinking twice about the efforts the police department took to get their hands on the accused, they have to let them free. If this is not political corruption, then what is it?

2. If the officer refuses to succumb to unjust political pressure, they soon get to face consequences in the name of demotion, transfer, or even termination in some cases. How can the citizens of a country have the rights to freedom when the safeguards of law are not free to take unbiased and sound decisions?

3. Special cops who have specific duties to follow are found taking care of simple security needs of the politicians. And not just politicians, some cops are assigned the duty to provide security to the non-politics people whom the ministers recommend. The cops are made to treat a bloody nobody as special personnel at the command of ministers.

4. Partymen threaten the police officers if they fail to carry out simple instructions given by the ministers. Just as a cruel master would do to a maid, politicians enjoy the services of cops at their will. This is indeed an unwanted episode of politicization which has to end if India has to see the dawn of liberalization and freedom.

5. There have been incessant attacks on police including ASI Amit Chakarborty bomb attack in Dubrajpur, Trinamool men’s attack on officer Shamim Khan, and many more. These instances have to stop. Those who are meant to protect us from crimes must also be safeguarded from political pressures.

No, cops are not reduced to political servants:

1. Compared to the cases of police bound by political order, there are more cases where cops are themselves involved in corruption with these politicians. They are not forced; rather they choose the wrong path for huge grants from the ministers.

2. Police taking bribe in bright daylight is not news even in metro cities like Mumbai. Cops are not political servants, rather majority of them are greedy and lazy enough to work instantly on a matter. To put the blame on someone else, they just pass over the statement ending with: “I had orders to follow.” Ask them to name the order givers and they go silent.

3. Instead of succumbing to political pressures they can always be brave together with the other cops and lead by example.


Laws must ensure that police administration should be free of political interference. Apart from ensuring that they act according to law and not based on political orders, there should be strict laws to avoid corrupt practices by cops.
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  • RE: Are cops reduced to political servants in India? -rahul (11/12/14)
  • I think as per our system police are definitely under political system...nd i don't have any problem with this hierarchy system...because the politicos is being selected by if any degeneracy is happening by cops...then we r to be blamed!
    but the problem has risen with the sad truth that the cops are being misused by the pols...they are many instances we have come across where the polices are being stopped from taking just actions..nd r even suspended when rebelled!
    so foremostly i think politicians must b allowed to interfere in police i won't say that by this police hav become politicians servants.. becoz if i say so..den u see...every policeman is also a puppet of their superior policeman!
    and again if a policeman alleges against any politicians then it must be investigated meticulously ...and unbiassedly#
  • RE: Are cops reduced to political servants in India? -subhabrata sengupta (11/08/14)
  • In most of the cases its yes,the cops dont have their own say and are merely puppets under the influence of the politicians.In worst case scenario were the case is completely out of hand the cops do act but the main culprit always remains unexplored and the accomplice gets the booking.The indian democratic system is designed in such a manner that the writing is on the cards that the cops will be influenced by the politicians,specially in the cases were the politicians are booked for integrity issues.The cops remains the same but the govt changes,so the same politician booked earlier gets Scot free when in power and the out of vindictiveness the opposition leader is booked under the integrity charges.To sum up, its all game of power and authority were the common people are victimized day in and day out .