Friendship and socialization at work place

Friendship and socialization at work place - Productivity booster or problem causer

Human beings are known to be social in nature, but friendship sways human relations immensely.


- Relationships, reciprocated support, association are the assets that help in shaping the company’s culture and environment
- These qualities develop a positive culture at the workplace and motivate people to work, if these qualities are abstaining at a workplace it leads to dissatisfaction in job
- By giving the employee freedom of choice whether they would want to work in a group or individually, they will be more productive in either ways and will be more clear with the company goals
- When relations are built , you also build trust for each other and that helps you to work coherently with one another


- When we create friendship’s at the workplace, it’s easy for our colleagues to take advantage on us and succeed in competition prevailing in the workplace
- Being friends, people know your positives, negatives as well as weak points, which they can take advantage of
- In cases of wariness, it will be easy for a person to bring you down by pointing out your weaknesses
- Unfair treatment is one main criteria faced by a lot when friendship is cultivated between senior and subordinate, which may lead to discernment and vengeance
- Promotion is another critical and important aspect at workplace, if one friend is promoted over other, can lead to bad feelings between the two individuals which may disrupt the workplace.


- Friendship and socialisation should not be promoted at workplace as instead of doing good, it harms the work culture as well as the relations in the workplace.
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