General awareness/studies Q & A - Dec 22, 2014

General awareness / studies questions and answers - Dec 22, 2014

1. Which of the following is true about the Constitutional Amendment Bill?

i. The Bill can be introduced in any house of the Parliament.
ii. The decision of the Lok Sabha is final.

a. Only (i).
b. Only (ii).
c. Both (i) and (ii).
d. Neither (i) nor (ii).

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ANSWER: a. Only (i).

The Constitutional Amendment Bills are the one which are introduced to make changes in the Constitution and it can be introduced in any of the houses and both the houses have equal powers.

2. A Bill becomes an Act,

a. Soon after the bill is introduced.
b. Soon after both the houses accept the bill.
c. Soon after the first reading, when it is published in the Gazette.
d. None of these.

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ANSWER: d. None of these.

For any Bill to become an Act, it should get the assent of the President. The bill first has to be passed by both the houses and then the President has to give his assent. Only then it becomes an Act.

3. The LASER which gives monochromatic coherent light in pulses is called

a. Helium-neon Laser.
b. Ruby Laser.
c. Dye laser.
d. Chemical Laser.

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ANSWER: b. Ruby Laser.

Ruby Laser is the one which gives monochromatic coherent light in pulses. Helium-neon laser produces continuous beam of light. Dye laser uses dye molecules.

4. A person getting down from a moving bus has to run for some distance, in the direction of the bus, before stopping. This is an example for which law of motion?

a. Newton’s First law of Motion.
b. Newton’s Second Law of Motion.
c. Newton’s Third Law of Motion.
d. None of these.

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ANSWER: a. Newton’s First law of Motion.

The above given example is for Newton’s First law of Motion. It states that “Every object continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line if no force acts upon it”. If the person stops immediately, he will fall because his leg will be in rest but body will be in motion.

5. Which of the following is true about Human Skeleton?

i. Newborn babies will have more bones than adult humans.
ii. The total number of bones in adult human is 206.
a. Only (i).
b. Only (ii).
c. Both (i) and (ii).
d. Neither (i) nor (ii).

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ANSWER: c. Both (i) and (ii).

The newborn babies will have 270 bones; some of them will fuse together as they grow. So the newborn babies will have more bones compared to adult humans. The total number of bones in adult human is 206.

6. Which of the Following is true about the Queen Victoria’s Proclamation of 1858?

i. It is also called as August Declaration.
ii. The Queen assured that the British will not interfere in the social and religious issues of Indians.

a. Only (i).
b. Only (ii).
c. Both (i) and (ii).
d. Neither (i) nor (ii).

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ANSWER: b. Only (ii).

The Queen Victoria’s Proclamation was made on November 1st 1858. So, it was also called as November Declaration. The Queen assured that British will not interfere in social and religious issues and pursue the policy of imperialism.

7. Which of the following is NOT true about the Secretary of State office in India?

a. Secretary of state was the member of British cabinet.
b. The office of Secretary of state was constituted in 1858.
c. The first Secretary of state was Sir Charles Wood.
d. The Office remained till 1947.

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ANSWER: d. The Office remained till 1947.

Secretary of State was the head of the Indian Council and he was the member of British cabinet and he was responsible for everything in India and answerable to the House of Commons. The office was started in 1858 and ended in 1919.

8. Which of the following is true about the Indian Councils Act of 1861?

i. The Executive Council of Viceroy had only Britishers.
ii. The portfolio system was introduced at the central level.

a. Only (i).
b. Only (ii).
c. Both (i) and (ii).
d. Neither (i) nor (ii).

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ANSWER: b. Only (ii).

The Viceroy’s Executive Council had five members and the fifth member was an Indian and he was the law minister. The portfolio system was introduced for the first time at the central level and each member of Executive council was given a portfolio like law and order, mining, industries etc.

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