Explain the concepts and capabilities of ATL Server - ATL Server is developed by Microsoft for developing web based applications.........
Explain the ATL Server architecture - The Web server receives requests from the client and passes them on to the ISAPI extension DLL when the request is for a file extension handled by that DLL........
Why ATL Server? - It provides the functionality required to build large scale internet sites like:.........
What is SRF Files? - SRF files contain HTML and script tags denoted by the {{ opening and }} closing braces........
What is the information that SRFs typically contain? - SRF files contain HTML and script tags denoted by the {{ opening and }} closing braces.......
Components of the ATL Server project - There can be many Web application DLLs in a virtual directory which can provide one or more named request handlers.........
What is a stencil in ATL Server? - A stencil is any text file that contains special tags understood by CStencil Class........