Make this information available at the beginning of your CV...
This is your chance to bring forward your relevant strengths and skills in front of the recruiter....
Include the details of the relevant jobs you have done in the past. You should present your work experience...
Educational qualifications play an important role in the recruitment of Freshers...
These reflect your personality and skills. So present the relevant achievements in the order of priority..
Lengthy CV puts the recruiter off. Keep the sentences short and use words which demonstrate your hold of situation like managed, arranged, supervised etc....
Longer the e-mail address, lesser are the chances of a potential employer getting back to you...
Avoid sending your CV through a funky e-mail id when you are applying for a
position that demands seriousness and maturity...
Some people like to save their CV with a file name like, CV of Jacob Mendez for Marketing.doc..
Suppose you receive a menu card from a restaurant which has all the good recipes, affordable price...
Many candidates stay away from home but provide the contact details of their parents. This again irritates the employers...