What is JSP? - JavaServerPages is server side component in a web application, used to dynamically generate HTML / XML documents...
"Categories of JSP tags - Directives: The directive tags are used for simple java programming calls like importing packages, specifying the error handling pages or to handle session in a JSP page...
How a JSP is compiled into servlets by the container - JSPs are compiled into JavaServlets by the JSP container...
How to use Javabeans from JSP pages? - Java beans are directly supported in JSP with JSP language elements...
What is Tag extension in JSP model? - JSP supports the authors to add their own custom tags that perform custom actions...
What is Tag library descriptor (TLD)? - The custom tags can be implemented or redistributed with tag handlers that are written in Java...
A request from a browser is served as servlet in JSP. In this way the lifecycle and certain capabilities of JSP are determined by a servlet.
JSP directives are used to set global values like class declaration, content type etc have scope for entire JSP file. ..
JSP implicit objects - There different implicit objects of JSP are pageContext,pageScope,requestScope...
JSP object - An object can have following scopes in a JSP page: Page Scope,Request Scope, Session Scope...
JSP Session - Disabling the session improves the performance of a JSP container. When a JSP is requested, an HttpSession object...
JSP benefits - JSP technology emphasizes on reusing the components that helps to develop more purposeful....
JSP Scriptlet - Scriptlet tag is a type tag used for inserting Java Code into JSP and is written as...
JSP exceptions - The errorPage attribute of the page directive can be used to redirects the browser to an error processing page, when uncaught exception...
JSP Thread - JSPs can be made thread-safe by having them implement the SingleThreadModel interface...
JSP implicit objects - These are the objects that are available for the use in JSP documents. You don’t need to declare them.....
A forward is server side redirect while sendRedirect is client side redirect..
JSP and Servlet - In JSP's life cycle, after a jsp is translated into a servlet, it behaves in the same way as a servlet...
JSP Scripting Elements - There are three forms of JSP scripting elements that let you insert Java code into the servlet...
JSP include directive - When a JSP include directive is used, the included file's code is added into the added JSP page at page translation time...
JSP Declaration - A declaration consists of one or more variables or methods that are used in JSP source file....
The JSP specification includes standard tags for bean use and manipulation..
The jspInit() method of the javax.servlet.jsp. JspPage interface is similar to the init() method of servlets..
JSP actions can be used to print a script expression, create and store a Java Bean and for many other...
Custom JSP tag is a user defined tag describing the way its attributes and its body are interpreted...
The response implicit objects can be used in the following manner...