Sandbox is a safe place to run semi-trusted programs or scripts that originate at a third party........
SQL Server Integration Services is used for building applications with data integration and workflow........
An assembly can be dropped using DROP ASSEMBLY command........
Assemblies are stored in the database. Because of this, when the assembly is modified and recompiled........
Sys.assemblies can be used to see the assemblies loaded in SQL SERVER........
A separate Appdomian is created for each database in order to run the database code. The appdomain may be allocated........
Assemblies can be created using CREATE ASSEMBLY command. It takes the path of the DLL as the parameter........
CLR Integration provides a more convenient and robust solution to Extended stored procedures for implementing server side logic.......
CLR by default is not configured in SQL server. It needs to be explicit ally configured using sp_configure syntax. This is shown as below:........
Functions in SQL server can be created using the .NET common language interface or CLR. The functions code is written and then complied into a .NET assembly to deploy on the SQL server.........