XCopy command is an advanced version of the copy command used to copy or move
the files or directories..............
A bootstrapper eases the installation of the various required components for an
application. It provides a simple.................
The following features make the deployment of the application of the .NET
framework easier:..................
Merge module projects are used for the packaging of files or components that are
shared between multiple applications..................
Also read
Net web
What is .Net Web Service? What is SOAP? What is WSDL? What is UDDI? Why do we
need Web Services? Explain in brief different distributed technologies. Web
services vs. CORBA and DCOM. Advantages of Web Services.................
If windows authentication mode is selected for an ASP.NET application, then
authentication also needs to be configured within IIS since it is provided by
Passport authentication provides authentication using Microsoft’s passport
In addition to the new controls, ASP.NET 2.0 also provides numerous enhancements
to existing controls that make these controls more versatile than ever before
in building component-based web pages. For example, the Panel control now has a
DefaultButton property that specifies which button should be clicked if the
user presses the Enter key while the panel has the focus.........
MVC, which stands for Model View Controller, is a design pattern that helps us
achieve the decoupling of data access and business logic from the presentation
code , and also gives us the opportunity to unit test the GUI effectively and
neatly, without worrying about GUI changes at all..........