ReportNet interview questions and answers

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ReportNet interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced candidates. Also find ReportNet online practice tests to fight written tests and certification exams on ReportNet. In this section we have covered almost all ReportNet questions that might be asked during an interview.

ReportNet interview questions


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ReportNet Test (15 questions)

ReportNet interview questions - March 22, 2010 at 23:16 PM by Kshipra 

1. What is ReportNet? What is it used for? What are its components?
2. What is prompt? What are its uses and advantages?
3. How many values can you get displayed in a value prompt at max?
4. How would you create a prompt?
5. How would you hide/ unhide the unused prompts?
6. Explain the process to install ReportNet.
7. Can you connect to various datasources during report creation using ReportNet? If yes, how?
8. Name various file formats generated in ReportNet?
9. How would you test a report in ReportNet?
10. Is it possible to allow some users to create a report in Query Studio while others create it on Report Studio. How?
11. Differentiate between: a.)Model & Package b.) Query Studio and Report Studio c.) Native SWL and Cognos SQL d.) Cognos ReportNet and Crystal Reports
12. Explain: a.) Drill through report b.) Masterdetail report c.) Sub report d.) Burst reporting
13. Do you think Impromptu is better than ReportNet? If yes, how?
14. Is it possible to migrate Impromptu report to ReportNet? If yes, how?
15. What is the difference between a repeater table and list table? Which is better? Why?
16. What are the different security level filters in ReportNet?
17. How would you limit the number of rows in ReportNet?
18. How do you test reports in ReportNet?
19. Is it possible to show a desired date rather than sysdate.can
20. Explain: a.) Tabular Model b.) Tabular SQL c.) Tabular reference
21. Explain Parameter mapping.
22. Is it possible to create a data model from a query skipping Framework Manager in Report Studio? If yes, what is the use of Framework Manager?
23. How would you generate IQD file from Framework Manager?
24. List the components of Report Studio.
25. What things would you consider before choosing Cognos ReportNet or Crystal Reports? 

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What is active data warehousing?
What is the difference between data warehousing and business intelligence?
What is snapshot with reference to data warehouse?
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What are fact tables and dimension tables?
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What is Dimensional Modeling?
What is junk dimension?  

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