Overview of UML 2.0
UML 2.0 in Action: A Project-Based Tutorial is based on the new version of
UML—UML 2.0. In this version, the structure and documentation of UML was
completely revised. There are now two documents available that describe
UML 2.0 Infrastructure defines the basic constructs of the language on which
UML is based. This section is not directly relevant to the users of UML (our
readers), but is directed more towards the developers of modeling tools.
UML 2.0 Superstructure defines the user constructs of UML 2.0, meaning those
elements of UML that users work with at the immediate level.
This excerpt from Chapter No. 2 "Basic Principles and Background"
from UML 2.0 in Action A Project-Based
Tutorial by Patrick Grässle, Henriette Baumann, Philippe
Baumann, is printed with permission from Packt
, Copyright 2007.
Among other things, this revision of UML was created to pursue the following
To restructure and refine UML so that usability, implementation, and adaptation
are simplified.
The UML infrastructure is supposed to:
o Provide a reusable
meta-language core, with which UML can define itself
Provide mechanisms for the adjustment of language
The UML superstructure is supposed to:
Feature better support for component-based development
Improve constructs for the specification of architecture
Provide better options for the modeling of behavior
In addition to the proposal of UML Infrastructure and UML Superstructure
specifications, separate proposals were published for a new ObjectConstraint
Language (OCL) as well as for Diagram Interchange. Together, they make up the
complete UML 2.0 package, as shown in Figure 2.12:

UML 2.0, as a whole, is more extensive and more complex than earlier versions.
The extent of UML documentation has also further increased. While the
documentation of UML 1.5, including OCL, comprised about 730 pages, the
documentation of UML 2.0, also including OCL, contains approximately 1050
Even though part of the documentation doesn't concern the 'normal' UML user, for
a member of a software development project, reading the complete work is
unrealistic. This is not only due to the number of pages, but also because of
the number and complexity of UML constructs. Because of this, reduction to the
UML constructs necessary for everyday project work is even more necessary than
with earlier versions.
From this follow two conclusions for our book UML20inActionAProject-Based . :
The concept of this book is to show a very simplified picture of UML. This is
becoming even more important with the increasing scope of UML, since the
accessibility of UML did not become any greater with version 2.0.
Fortunately, many of the new features of UML 2.0 have little or no influence at
the level of detail used in this book. Consequently, there are only a few
changes compared to the earlier German editions of UML20inAction . : A
Project-BasedTutorial . The restricted scope of our book ensures stability
towards the changes in new UML versions.

We would also like to point out a new possibility that UML 2.0 opens up. One of
the goals of UML 2.0 was the definition of formal and completely defined
semantics. If this new possibility is utilized for the development of models,
corresponding systems can be generated from these models. This yields the
following advantages:
A model that was described with UML reflects the real system.
It is possible to correct mistakes in the model early and continuously.
Intermediate steps such as amending code outside of the model design are
It is possible to make the same model executable on different platforms
(hardware as well as software).
However, a price has to be paid for these advantages. It becomes necessary to
acquire a deep and accurate understanding of UML and considerable effort has to
be invested in the development of the models.
Effects on the Business System Model
Some changes made in performance modeling enhanced the possibilities for
modeling business systems. First, we'll give examples of several of the changes
and improvements.
Activity diagrams are no longer special cases of the statechart diagram.
Initially, this fact was not relevant for the normal UML user. However, in
addition to the new autonomy in the meta-model, several other changes and
improvements were made:
Until now, the separate steps in the activity diagram were referred to as
activities. Now the entire diagram is called an activity, whereas the steps
previously called activities are now referred to as actions. An action can call
a primary operation as well as another activity. This enables flexible
modulation in the top-down view of models.
A division does not necessarily have to be re-synchronized.
An activity can have more than one initial state. With this, several events can
be started at the same time.
Input and output parameters can be added to an activity.
One of the improvements made in the sequence diagram is the addition of
so-called operators. These operators make it possible to package several
actions/activities within a sequence diagram. For instance, operators can be
used to refer to other sequence diagrams or individual sequences. Appropriate
operators can also represent iterations. With the newly introduced operators,
sequence diagrams now support a top-down view.
OCL is now an inherent part of UML. It can be used to describe agreements,
invariants, preconditions, and post conditions within UML models, which enables
more precise modeling of business systems and business processes.
Effects on the IT System Mode
The diagrams that we have used in this book in the different views of the IT
system did not undergo any significant changes.
The biggest change occurred in the notation of the sequence diagram. Here, among
other things, the interaction reference is available as a construct for
modularization. However, nothing changed concerning the meaning and
functionality of sequence diagrams at the level of detail used in this book.
The same holds true for the class diagram and the case diagram.
Statechart diagrams underwent the most interesting changes for the modeling of
IT systems: connection points allow, for example, better modulation of
statechart diagrams. However, we decided not to use this language element in
our simplified approach to UML.
Effects on the Systems Integration Model
Of course, the improvements in behavioral modeling also had an effect on the
process view in the systems integration model. A significant improvement is the
ability to add input and output parameters to activities (see Section 2.7.2,
Effects on the Business System Model).
Hardly any changes were made in the area of static views, meaning the design of
business objects with class diagrams.
In addition to the changes that were made within the framework of UML 2.0, the
UML profile for Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is of increasing
importance in the field of system integration. Besides the basic operations
needed in the field of system integration, it shows the data meta-models of
various programming languages that are not object-oriented. However, this
occurs at a more detailed level, which has no influence upon this text.