VB.NET - Different between Web.Config and
Machine.Config - April 29, 2009 at 18:00 PM by Amit Satpute
What is different between Web.Config and Machine.Config?
machine.config supports configuration file section for all applications in IIS.
web.config contains security policy.
Through web.config files, settings are applied to each web application,
machine.config file apply settings to all asp.net applications.
VB.NET - Different between Web.Config and
Machine.Config - June 07, 2009 at 10:00 AM by Shuchi Gauri
What is different between Web.Config and Machine.Config?
Machine.config is one in a system and is the default configuration for all
applications running on that machine. Web.config in every webapplication
overrides the machine.config. Infact, a single web application can also have
more than one web.config overriding each other in the increasing order of
specificity. Each web.config must be of course at different levels/folders in a
single application.
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